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Curriculum vitae

Chris Bridges Curriculum Vitae (shortened form)



1972 B.Sc. Zoologie (Distinc.) Liverpool, England
1973 B.Sc (Hons) Marine Biology, Liverpool
1976 Ph. D. Dissertation title:
"The Respiratory Physiology of Galathea strigosa (L) and Corystes cassivelaunus (Pennant)

1976 Royal Society European Fellowship at Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus
1978 Postdoctoral Stipendium at the Max-Planck-Institut für experimentelle Medizin, Abteilung Physiologie, Göttingen
1981 Wiss. Ang. Institut für Zoophysiologie, Düsseldorf
1986 "Habilitationschrift - Modulation of Haemocyanin Oxygen Affinity".
1987 Priv. Doz. University of Düsseldorf
1992 Apl. Professor of Zoology, University of Düsseldorf

Professional Affiliations

1. Member of the Society for Experimental Biology
2. Member of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K.
3. Member of the German Zoological Society
4. Member of the American Zoological Society
5. Member of the Foundation for Biomedical Research

Honorary Appointments Past and Present

Respiration Comittee of the Respiration Group of the SEB.
Convener of the Respiration Group of the SEB.
Editorial board of "Respiration Physiology".
Editorial board of "Physiological Zoology".
Advisory board "Israel Journal of Zoology".
Honorary Zoological Secretary for the Society for Experimental Biology, U.K.
Council Member of the SEB
Editor In Chief - Animal Section - Experimental Biology Online - Internet Journal
Editorial Board "Cahiers de Biologie Marine"


Refereeing Work


Respir. Physiol; Physiol. Zool.; J.exp. Biol.; Clinical Respiratory Physiology;J. Comp. Physiol.; Mar. Biol.; J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol.; J. Zool.; Parasitology; Exp. Biol.; Polar Biol.; Mar. Behav. Physiol.  J. Fish Biology. Aquaculture
Research Councils:
BBSRC(UK);NERC (UK); SRC (UK), NATO, South African Research Council, Swiss Research Council, NSF (USA), Research Council of Norway, DFG, EU


External Examiner M. Sc Thesis, University of Birmingham, England
External Examiner Ph. D. Thesis, University of Bordeaux, France
External Examiner Ph. D. Thesis, University of Birmingham, England
External Examiner Ph. D. Thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland
External Examiner Ph. D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, Scotland
External Examiner Ph. D. Thesis, University of Birmingham, England
External Examiner Ph. D. Thesis, Univ of Potchefstroom, South Africa
External Examiner Ph. D. Thesis, Univ of Sydney, Australia
External Examiner Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Singapore

External Examiner M. Sc Thesis, University of Cape Town, South Africa 

Research Funding : 

1998 - 2000 Common Fisheries Policy: EU: Joint Project: French, Italian, Spanish , Greek and German participation:
 "Major Improvements in our knowledge of Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in the Mediterranean - Fisheries, Statistics and Biology". (BFTMED)
  Total Costs: 739,042 ECU –  Düsseldorf  87,000 ECU
2000 -2002 FP5: Quality of Life: Sustainable Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: RTD Project:
“Sexual identification and development in the swordfish - improved determination tools for more efficient stock assessment and implementation of control measures”(SIDS): Joint Spanish, Italian, Greek, UK and German participation:
Total cost: 385.422 Euro; -  Düsseldorf  Coordinator : 123,600 Euro
2001 - 2002 FP5: Quality of Life: Sustainable Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry:  Accompanying Measures : “Domestication of Thunnus thynnus, the Bluefin Tuna – Strategies for European Development in the Context of a Global market”(DOTT): International Symposium: Steering Committee und Joint Coordination:  90,000 Euro
2002 - 2005 FP5: Quality of Life: Sustainable Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: RTD Project:
“Reproduction of the Bluefin Tuna in Captivity – A feasibility study for the domestication of Thunnus thynnus”(REPRO-DOTT) Joint project with Spain, Italy, Malta, Crete, Israel, Germany and Industrial Partner. Total costs 2,424,855 Euro.  Düsseldorf 142,118 Euro
2005 - 2008 FP6:  Scientific Support to Policies:Aquaculture - Towards sustainable development of fishing and aquaculture activities. IN EX-FISH.  This project is geared towards looking at ecological management of fisheries.
“Incorporating non-fishery influences into stock assessments” : Total Costs 1,500,000 Euro, Düsseldorf 70,000 Euro.


2007 - 2008  Cleans Seas Southern Australia Contract: “Thynnus macoyii”  10,000 Euro. Hormonal Induction of Spawning

2007 - 2010 EU National Project: Set Up Of An Integrated System For Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus, L.) Farming In The Gulf Of Taranto - Acronym: ALLOTUNA : Hormonal Induction of Spawning + sex determination and stress assessment.  41,000 Euro :

2008 - 2011 FP7 : From capture based to SELF-sustained aquaculture and Domestication Of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus SELFDOTT  Total Costs 4,006,954 €, Düsseldorf 137,080 €

2009 - 2012 BMBF  Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification BIOACID Project 2.2: Long-term physiological effects on different life stages of benthic crustaceans:Subproject 2.2.2 Cancer pagurus: Chronic and acute responses – Adaptation versus Tolerance Total Cost 8,6 Millionen, Düsseldorf: 147,000 €

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